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O -10 - R. F. & A. L. - 1865 Hd Qrs Dept of the Ohio Inspt Genls Office Detroit Mich Sept 25, 1865 Lathrop Bt Col US Vols A A Inspt Genl Reports condition of Freedmen at Madison Ind That instead of there being 750 there the number has never exceeded 200, that there is no suffering among them, they obtain plenty of work at fair prices and are as comfortable as most other laboring people. There is no theiving or begging among them [[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON REC'D OCT 3 1865 [[/stamp]] EAG L 52 - 574 - 5D.O. Hd Qurs Dept of the Ohio Respy. forwarded for the information of Genl. Howard Chief Freedmans Bureau Washington E.O.C. Ord M Genl file [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]]