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Burlington, Boone County Ky
May 31st 1865

Major Genl O.O. Howard
Washington City

If the government proposes to make appointments for your Bureau from civil life I beg very respectfully to ask an appointment for one of the States of Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana.

I was for twenty seven months Surgeon to the 22d Ky Infantry; sixteen months of which time was spent in the states of Mississippi and Louisiana, and where I witnessed the disorganization of slavery.

I am a native of Ky: am now in my fifty third year; was at the beginning of the rebellion a slave owner, but twelve months since sent my last slave into the army. I will be candid: I have encountered losses resulting from the war, and desire a position in the south where I may be able to reinstate my pecuniary condition - but not, I trust at the expense of the government or of any just principle.

If such a trust may be confided to me, I hope to discharge its duties with fidelity to the government, and with acceptance to the department of which you are chief.

If a situation is tendered me I will forward ample testimonials of character.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
B.F. Stevenson