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Washington DC
June 14th 1865



One object I had in calling on you a few days ago was to request of you a favor.

Since the expiration of my term of service, I have been a clerk to Major C.W. Wingard, Paymaster.  I expect, however, in a short time to be out of this situation owing to the reduction of the Army.

General, in the organization of your new Department, have you not a position you can give to one who has served his Country for over nine years?  I can show creditable testimonials from my late Commanding officers with regard to the ability with which I have discharged the duties of ass't adjt General and Topographical officer.  Trusting you will favorably consider my request.

I have the honor to remain, General
Respectfully your obed't serv't
James P. Seville
P.O. Box 662.

Major Gen. O.O. Howard
Commdg Bureau of Freedmen

Transcription Notes:
The last name is clearly Seville. The clerk on the previous page marks his initials J.P. Th]