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U.S. Christian Commission

GEO. H. STUART, Chairman, 11 Bank Street.
JOS. PATTERSON, Treasurer, Western Bank. 
Rev. LEMUEL MOSS, Home Secretary, 11 Bank Street.
Rev. E. P. SMITH, Field Secretary, 11 Bank Street. 

Central Office
No. 11 Bank Street

Major General O.O. Howard

Dear Sir, 
Mr. Cole will tell you of a plan by which we hope to accomplish good for the Freedmen.  In order to this it will be necessary for us to explore in one or two Southern States.  We have in view Georgia & Alabama.

At this point in what we mean to make a life work in some form or other for Freedmen we feel that suggestions from you will be of great value.  

I have also suggested to Mr. Cole that we can be of service to the Bureau of Ref. & Freed. by careful observations & reports to you as we pass through the country. I think we could hardly fail to gather valuable information additional to that which you receive through the regular channels and if an enterprise succeeds it will help solve the greatest problem of the Bureau - full educational & religious privileges for the blacks as the result of their own compensated labor: and that in return you might be able to secure for us transportation over Mil. Roads & Steamers at Gov. rates, if not free, over other routes.

I am, with great esteem,
Very respectfully, 
Yr Obt Sevt
Edwd P Smith
Field Secy U.S.C.C.