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1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
212 764 7300 

January 10, 1984

Dear Shu:

My latest comment about The Article comes from Los Angeles and a woman I know only by telephone. She told me the following: a few years ago, a VP of Marketing from the furniture company she works for, made a foray into Miami to scout upcoming projects with a view to Sales Efforts. Included in a fairly long list circulated throughout the company coast-to-coast, was your bank. It was noted that the Architects were SOM, and that the CEO was H. Hood Bassett, with the additional information for the edification of everyone, "His wife seems to have a flair for interior decoration." My acquaintance who Knows Better was, of course, shocked to the core at such abysmal ignorance. Needless to say the company didn't get that job!

Here's to flair!
