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Esther McCoy
Page 8

Los Angeles Times (con'd)
      Three complete issues of Home Magazine on early California modern houses of Gill, the Greenes, Neutra, Wright.

New York Times Magazine
  "Barragan's Houses," Aug. 17, 1952
  "Eames Perspective," Apr. 15, 1973


Documentation for Historic American Buildings Survey in Library of Congress on:
  Irving Gill's Dodge house and Horatio West apartments
  R.M. Schindler's Lovell house, Kings Road house and Buck house.
  Richard Neutra's Lovell house.
  Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock house, Freeman house, Storer house and Ennis house.
  Lloyd Wright's Wright house, Sowden house.
  Wyman's Bradbury Building.
  Peters and Burns frame buildings at the Veterans Administration.

Documentation for GSA on customs houses in San Francisco and San Diego.