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Was Amer flag in colored glass above ent. Leather of seats is same. Wanted a large continuous piece so got elephant hide.
[[image]] Stairs down to telefon, lava & toilets in Loos lettering

Hans: War Ministry across from me for 3x pop but loss of territory after WWI shrank Austria. Other pub bldgs for larger pop. What makes Vienna cosmo is the various peoples 1st in the empire.

Attacked periodically by Turks so all beyond fields outside the city walls was leveled to see attackers. So [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] no very early bldgs beyond city walls. In 15-- when Turks finally driven back by joint countries the outer city began. Eastern [[strikethrough]] What Vienna [[/strikethrough]] flavor to city - which I saw in looking down streets & sudden view of onion domes (green copper sheathed). 

Hans, oddly, in talking of work says what Moore & Alexander say: int in effect on environment of work. The job Hans got for Bakema says will raise the level of the environment. Sees himself as one who could & has gotten a city planning job (for 4? block long pedes street from new unbuilt Hilton to the North; now approved) & can't see why Schindler