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5-9-D Utah Relocation Center
Topaz, Utah
October 27, 1942

Mr. Erle Loran
Department of Art
University of California
Berkeley, California

Dear Mr. Loran:

Thank you very much for having my books sent to me. I received them in good condition.

The housing here is still unsettled and they are at present installing the inside walls in our apartments. We are facing many difficulties but the beautiful color of the rising and setting sun gives me great opportunities for study.

Yesterday it was 22 degrees during the early morning and close to 95 degrees in the afternoon. We have been having these extreme weathers for the past several days. We can now feel the winter coming as the air is getting quite cold and brisk.

I am at present directing the Art and Industrial Art School here, and we started our classes from Monday. Mine Okubo is working on the Topaz newspaper staff. Miyoko has gone to Smith college and has written to me saying she is enjoying herself. I believe she is doing quite a bit of painting out there. 

Sincerely yours, 

Chiura Obata