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November 24, 1944

Mr. Chiura Obata
6239 San Bonita Av.
St. Louis

Dear Chiura:

It has been a very long time since I have heard from you, either directly or indirectly, and I find that even Provost Deutsch does not seem to be certain of your present address. People often enquire about you and frequently ask for your address, so would you let me know whether or not you have changed from the last address we have.

I hope you are doing well and have found pleasant quarters for the disagreeable period through which we are passing. The Department could well make use of your contribution in these days. The small staff that we have is heavily loaded with especially large enrollment of students considering that practically all the boys are away.

Please, give my regards and Mrs. Pepper's to Mrs. Obata.

Sincerely yours,

Stephen C. Pepper
Stephen C. Pepper
Chairman, Department of Art


[[Japanese writing]]

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA--(Letterhead for Interdepartmental use).

Transcription Notes:
Perhaps this could be completed by a Japanese speaker. Ir s not complete without the characters ...