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that Aunt Nancy ever said about him was that he was a tight wad. No, it could not be Uncle Eddie. Besides, he was too fat. A Prince Charming would never be fat. Grandpa? - No Grandpa could not be a Prince Charming. A prince would never grumble if you talked while he was reading, or if you turned the television on a bit too loud. Who could it be?"

At that moment Christifina, the nurse, who had been visiting the cook in the apartment next door, came in to the room. She was extremely annoyed at seeing Curly Top, as she was often called, sitting on the floor, her elbows resting on her knees and her hand cupping the almond colored face with the turned up nose. The nurse's heart would have warmed at the picture of Gigi with her big serious eyes, if she had not remembered the child's promise just two hours ago.

"Christi," she had said, "If you'll help me with this one example, I promise to have my toys put away and be ready for bed by eight o'clock. Honest I will," she had added pleadingly. And there she was daydreaming again.

"Gigi," she started crossly, "Can't I ever depend on you? Didn't--"

"Oh Christi," whispered Gigi jumping up and almost upsetting the easel in her excitement, "Guess what! A Prince Charming, a real prince is coming here tonight."

"What on earth are you talking about?" said the nurse wondering why she was whispering too.

Gigi was across the room in a flash, her small arms grasping

Transcription Notes:
Fixed slight spelling error (his --> him)