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"Did it work?" interrupted Gigi impatiently, as the storyteller paused for breath.

So intent had the little girls been on the story, that they had not stopped to play with the puppies in Mr. Wimble's pet store, neither had they selected the dresses they admired in Mae's Dress Shop, but strangest of all they had forgotten to by a popsicyle.

"Now let me finish," continued Lillie Mae, obviously enjoying her own story.

"One Saturday morning right after breakfast, Carried crept up to the attic and hid where no one would see her. She was not missed right away because the children generally went to their grandmother's on Saturday. Around 4 p.m. she could hear them calling and looking for her all over town. They even came up in the attic, but they didn't find her, and she would not say a word until the twelve hours were over.

"Of course, when she went down her Pop was so mad that he gave her a whale of a licking. But, when she told them about the spell her Mom half laughed and cried at the same time and took in her arms and said she would see what she could do about the Easter outfit.

"And if she did not get the Easter outfit, my uncle's a tadpole."
"I'll try it, Lillie Mae," said Gigi firmly.
"Of course, I never knew Carrie," added Lillie Mae cautiously. "The family moved away, while I was still very young, but my sister's friend never got tired of telling that story."

Lillie Mae promised to spend the afternoon looking for a

Transcription Notes:
Fixed slight spelling error (this spell -> the spell)