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In a few moments, in rushed Oswald, a very small fellow for his eighteen years. As he hurried to Gigi's chair, big serious eyes stared through black rimmed, thick eyeglasses. He bent down and studied her awhile then circled the chair watching the child from all sides. He stooped again and slowly passed his hand across her face, to the left, and then to the right, and repeated the motion a second time. Gigi having nothing else to do swayed in perfect rhythm with the motion of his hand. Oswald straightened up with apparent satisfaction, cleared his throat and announced the diagnosis.

"This child is suffering from amnesia," he stated authoritively. "She doesn't know us. Probably thinks she's a rabbit or something. My grandfather was a country doctor out in Oklahoma and he used to have a lot of these cases." Grandpa used to give them a big dose of Castor Oil. That always brought them around. That's what she needs-a big dose of Castor Oil!"

With these few sage remarks, Oswald went blushering out as quickly as he had entered, promising to try and contact a doctor for them.

Poor Gigi! It is a good thing that neither Christi nor Lucy were watching her at this moment, as two big tears dropped from her eyes.

"Oh, Jeepers," she thought, "I never imagined things would turn out this way." Her nose began to itch and she felt very uneasy.

"I-I don't think we should give her Castor Oil, Lucy,"