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Dwan Gallery

Virginia Dwan Kondratief    

Eugenie K. [[strikethrough]]Thompson[[/strikethrough]] KLIX

October 15, 1962

Mrs. Burton Tremaine
99 Center Street
Meriden, Connecticut

Dear Mr. Tremaine:

I am answering this letter for Mrs. Kondratief as she is in Europe at the moment.

We are very grateful to you for your very kind loan of the James Rosenquist painting "Come Play With Me" and also for the photograph which we have received. We will make all of the necessary arrangements through Mr. Bellamy for picking up the painting and shipping it to California. Please be assured that it will be insured for $5,000 from the moment it leaves your apartment until it is returned to you. We will be publishing a catalog with a reproduction of each work in the show, and we will be very sure to credit your painting to your collection.

Thank you again for making your Rosenquist available to us for the show. It was most generous of you and it will greatly add to our exhibition.

Sincerely yours,

Eugenie Klix
Eugenie Klix


"Hey, Let's Go for a Ride"

Insure for 500

10846 Lindbrook Drive • Westwood Village, Los Angeles 24, California • GR. 8-5298