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Application for Membership in
1285 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, N. Y. 14222

Please indicate category desired
[ ] Student $12.50 yearly (with I.D. card)
[ ] Annual $20 (per person)
[ ] Family $30 yearly
[ ] Sustaining $50 yearly
[ ] Life $300
[ ] I enclose $_____, my dues for the current year.

Please bill my 
[ ] Master Charge
[ ] Empire Charge 

Account No___________________

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CITY OR TOWN______________________ 
ZIP CODE_______
HOME PHONE_________________ 
BUSINESS OR PROFESSION__________________
STUDENT I.D. CARD NUMBER____________________

Please make checks payable to the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Contributions are deductible for income tax purposes. 

Besides enabling you to participate in the many enjoyable Gallery events, your support will help the Albright-Knox Art Gallery maintain its outstanding position among cultural organizations and remain a place Western New Yorkers and all others view with pride.
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[[stamp]]NONPROFIT ORG BUFALLO N Y U.S. POSTAGE 018 P.B. METER 309950[[/stamp]]
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Buffalo, New York 14222
January 1976
Leo Castelli 
4 E. 77th St. 
New York, N.Y. 10021
James Rosenquist (American, b. 1933)
Rouge Pad, 1975
acrylic and collage on paper, 36 1/4" x 74 7/8"
National Endowment for the Arts Purchase Grant and matching funds

Rouge Pad -- a large acrylic and collage on paper by James Rosenquist -- is an important new addition to the Gallery's collection of contemporary American art. 
James Rosenquist -- who, in his early years, was an accomplished billboard painter -- became internationally known in the early sixties for his paintings incorporating visual matter usually found in large-format commercial advertising. Nomad, 1963, already in the Gallery's collection, is an example of Rosenquist's early manner, which reflected some of the idealogical and technical aspects of the Pop-Art movement of the sixties. 
Rouge Pad is, on the other hand, a very recent work, combining different images and techniques. A "target" or "spiral" on the right and a group of spike forms, almost covered by thick layers of acrylic in bright stripes, on the left, balance the central image: a round, cloth-covered pad, lightly tinted with red, which protrudes from a circular hole in the painting. Rouge Pad was acquired through a National Endowment for the Arts Purchase Grant and matching funds and is now on view in the Gallery.

Incomplete Square (Red), 1975, a pencil and color pencil drawing by Stephen Antonakos (American, b. Greece 1926), is a gift of the Members' Council, Members' Gallery and Junior Group to honor the memory of Carl J. Franchi. Mr. Franchi, a member of the Gallery staff from 1956 and Building Superintendent from 1968 until his death on September 9, 1975, had worked closely with Stephen Antonakos on the installation of the artist's exhibition in 1974. 

The Education Department offers again this winter a series of Saturday Morning Lectures in the Auditorium at 10:30 a.m.
The 1976 series will focus on 200 years of art in America. The lectures will be given by members of the Education Department staff beginning January 31, 1976 and concluding March 27, 1976.
Registration to the nine lectures, open to Gallery members and to the public, is BY MAIL ONLY. Tuition is $7.00 for members and $9.00 for non-members. To obtain a brochure with application form, call the Education Department, tel. 882-8700, ext. 26.

The second series of Creative Workshops: Graphics for adults will start its twelve sessions on Saturday, January 24, 1976, at 3 p.m. in the Education Department classrooms. The workshops will provide beginning and advanced instruction in silkscreen and etching and will be taught by Ronald Wilczek and Carol O'Grady. Brochures including the registration form have been mailed to Family Members. Additional brochures may be obtained by calling the Education Department, tel. 882-8700, ext. 26. Tuition for the twelve sessions is $54.00 for members and $60.00 for non-members, and includes materials and registration fee. Registration is BY MAIL ONLY and ends January 21, 1976.

The Children's Film Series, sponsored yearly by the Junior Group, opens Saturday, January 17, 1976 at 1 p.m. in the Gallery auditorium. First movie in the series is The Point, followed, on January 31, by Indian Paint. Four more films will be shown in February and March. Admission is 50¢ per person and tickets may be purchased at the door before the performance.

The Albright-Knox Art Gallery welcomes the following new members who have joined between November 5 and December 8, 1975.

Castle Hamilton Houston Lownie

B. W. C. Transportation
Maislin Brothers Transport Ltd.
Rental Industries, Inc.

Theodore C. Geier

Mr. and Mrs. Monte Blau
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dorge
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldstein
Dr. and Mrs. Peter H. Hong
Dr. and Mrs. Milton E. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lauricella
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Ludwig
Terry Mahon
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Motkya
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pankow
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Parlota
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rube
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Segal
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shempp
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Sippel
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Stevens, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Theophilos
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Williams, Jr.

Ms. Mary K. Adams
Mrs. Gregory J. Brodnick
Dr. Lee Brown
John A. Buerk
Ms. Suzann P. Denny
Ms. Margaret Dent
Mrs. Joni DiPirro
Mrs. Jere Dorn
Ms. Alice Fabiniak
Dr. Donald M. Fisher
John R. Flemming, Jr.
Mrs. William J. Flynn, Jr. 
Mrs. John J. Foy
Mrs. Bodil K. Gellman
Ms. Trudy J. Hanmer
Mrs. David A. Hollinger
Miss Debora A. Keenan
Mrs. Richard T. Krueger
Robert B. Ludwig
Mrs. Carl J. Mader
Mrs. Rosemary Manias
Mrs. Wayne C. Nelson
Miss Emilia M. Pontecorvo
Mrs. Sheldon A. Raiser
Mrs. Paul J. Rhoney
Mrs. Helen Root
Robert Rothschild
Miss Leona S. Ruszaj
Mrs. Doris L. Shearer
Miss Margot S. Shoemaker
W. H. Spencer.
Albert J. Tagliaferri, Jr.
Michael Tilson Thomas
Mrs. Carmen Ticconi
Mrs. J. Lansing Van Schoohoven
Mrs. Katherine K. Vouros
Richard E. Walsh
David P. Willbern

Miss Cheryl A. Christie
Eugene F. Currier
James V. Czajka
Mrs. Robert Gawley
Miss Mary Margaret Gibbons
Mark C. Grassia
Ms. Faye Hirsch
Peter S. Mancuso
Miss Marilyn Melnyl
Leonard F. Metz, Jr.
Kenneth B. Rosenblat
Miss Marcie C. Siegel
Mrs. Irene Sipos
Ralph Sirianni
Miss Cindy Sitcov
R. Nathan Slotnick
Ms. Marianne Woroniak

The Gallery Shop announces a special sale of reproductions and posters on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 9, 10 and 11, 1976, during Gallery hours. The sale will feature a wide selection of items at prices ranging from 25¢ to $3.00.