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December 19, 1948

Dear Mrs Parsons:

I am afraid you have placed me in a very embarrasing position by neither answering my letter or returning the canvases. Perhaps the fault lies with me for not having made it perfectly clear that this is not just a tempermental whim of Mr. Stills - and how concerning he is over their return.
He does not want to have any of his things shown at this time He is building up a tremendous amount of work at present and there are very vital issues involved in his plans and ideas for the future, which he does not want ruined. To show those older canvases - which he feels do not represent him now can only do him the greatest of injury.
I realize that you are a very busy woman but I think you are also shrewd enough not to antagonize Mr. Still further. I know that such an incident as this can - even many years from now -