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September 27, 1968

TO: The artists and lenders of works to "Contemporary Black Artists"

FROM: Nina Kaiden/Caroline Lerner
      Ruder & Finn
      130 Est 59th Street
      New York, New York 10022   212 PL 9-1800

     "Contemporary Black Artists" will open at The Minneapolis Institute of Arts on October 17. Your exhibition is a tremendously exciting one, and the opening reception in Minneapolis for which preparations have gone on all summer, promises to be a major fall event.
     Museum bookings through the end of 1969 are almost completely firmed up. With the hope that you will be in one of the exhibition cities during the year, we are enclosing the itinerary to date. Copies of the catalogue will be sent to you as soon as they are off the press.
     We thank you so much for lending work to this important show, and look forward with great anticipation to the opening, and to a successful tour across America.


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