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Conditions Governing Receipt Of Loans
Objects lent to The Minneapolis Institute of Arts for exhibition shall remain in its possession for the time specified on the face of this receipt, but may be withdrawn from exhibition at any time at the discretion of the Director. Loans will be returned only to the owner or lender or to his duly authorized agent or representative.
Under terms of this agreement The Minneapolis Institute of Arts will exercise the same care in respect to all loans as it will in the safekeeping of its own property. 
Objects lent to The Minneapolis Institute of Arts as its request will be insured by the Institute under a fine arts policy against all ordinary risks in transit and while in its possession unless otherwise so directed. The Institute will insure invited loans at the valuation requested by the lender, which request must be in writing. When written notice of valuation is not given, the Institute will insure invited loans at its own estimated valuation; said insurance excludes loss or damage caused by war, invasion, hostilities, rebellion, insurrection, confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation and/or trade.
In the event that the lender continues his own insurance for the period of the loan, the Institute cannot accept responsibility for any errors or deficiencies in information furnished to the lender's insurers, or for lapses in insurance coverage, arising from this practice.
The right of the Institute to return any property shall accrue absolutely on the date of and by mailing the notice to the owner to withdraw said property either because it is declined by the Institute, the loan period has terminated, or the Institute no longer desires the loan thereof. If the owner shall not withdraw such property within thirty (30) days from the date of such notice, then the Institute shall have the absolute right to dispose of such property in any manner it may elect, and it is stores such property to charge regular storage fees therefor and to have and enforce a lien for such fees. If after five years such property shall not have been withdrawn, and in consideration for its storage and safeguarding during this period, it shall be deemed an unrestricted gift to The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. 
Unless The Minneapolis Institute of Arts is notified in writing to the contrary it is understood that objects lent to it may be photographed and reproduced in the Institute's publications and for publicity purposes connected with the exhibition, and that slides of the loan may be made and distributed for educational use. 
The aforesaid conditions shall apply to all objects sent to the Institute on loan and cannot be altered, changed, waived or otherwise affected except by written consent of the Institute. 

Conditions Governing The Granting Of Loans
All loans of objects described on the face of this agreement are made subject to the following conditions:
Each object is received in good condition, unless otherwise noted, and is to remain in the condition in which it is received. It shall not be unframed, removed from mats, mounts of bases, cleaned, repaired, retouched or altered in any way whatsoever except with the written permission of The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. 
Damages, whether in transit or on the borrower's premises and regardless of who may be responsible therefor, shall be reported immediately to The Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
Unless special permission is granted in writing for outdoor exhibition of loans, objects shall be protected at all times against direct sunlight, rain, excessive humidity and excessively dry conditions. In addition, all watercolors, drawings, prints, posters, fabrics and photographs shall be protected against fading, scorching and cockling caused by direct or reflected sunlight, strong artificial light, fluorescent light or proximity to heat sources. All objects are to be securely fastened to walls, baffles, bases or exhibited in locked cases. 
All transportation and packing costs are to be assumed by the borrower. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts will continue its own insurance on the objects, and will bill the borrower upon their return to the Museum for the insurance costs over the period of the loan. A waiver or subrogation against the borrower will be supplied. 
Information about the object used for catalogs, labels or for any other purpose shall conform to the catalog data furnished by The Minneapolis Institute of Arts and shall always include a credit line to The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, giving the name of the donor or purchase fund when specified. The borrower may photograph loan objects only for record and publicity purposes, and for reproduction in an exhibition catalog. Paintings and drawings must not be removed from their frames for photography.