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Statement of Account 10/31/68
Sam Gilliam 

[[6 Columned Table]]
| Date | Collector | Inv No. | Amount Billed | Due to Artist | Description |
| 5/11 | Mrs A Simone | 610 | 150- | 90- | #3 Sketch 1968 18x23 1/2|
| 5/11 | Robert Eichholz | 612 | 1000- | 600.- | "Lateral" 1968 112x21 | 
| 5/22 | Edwin Stringer | 613 | 900- | 540.- | "Across" 1968 - 26 1/4x 71 3/4|
| 5/28 | Robert Dooston | 614 | 150- | 90- | Untitled Sketch 1968 18x23 1/2 |
| 6/1 | J Hurd | 616 | 190- | 90- | Untitled Sketch 1960 21X25 1/2 "FRAMED"|
| 6/17 | John Gordon | 622 | 135- | 81- | Untitled Sketch 1968 21x25 1/2 |
| 10/17 | Daniel Weinberg | 640 | 150- | 90- unpaid | Untitled Sketch 1968 24x18 | 
| 10/26 | Mrs Neal Stuart | 651 | 330 {180-150- | 198 {108 90 | {Sketch - Watercolor on Rice Paper Sketch Watercolor on Fiberglass |
| 10/25 | Mrs Henry Feiwel | 654 | 1000- | 600- [[strikethrough]] unpaid [[/strikethrough]] 12/5/68 paid | "More" 1968 65 1/2x53
|   |   |   |   |$2379.-|   |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| 5/24 | 600.-       |         |
| 8/27 | 351.-       |         |
|10/30 | 738         | $1689.- |
        ------------   --------
|      | Balance Due | 2289
                     | 690.-   |
|      |             | 600     |
|      |             |  90     |

Transcription Notes:
totals at bottom are overwritten with pencil; not sure how to notate this.