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File Sam Gilliam

Statement of Account
Sam Gilliam

[[6 columned table]]

|Date|Client|In. No.|Amount Billed|Due to Artist|Description| 
|5/11|Simone|610|$150.00|$90.00|small watercolor|
|5/11|Eichholz|612|$1000.00|$600.00|Lateral, acrylics|
|5/22|Stringer|613|$900.00|$540.00|Across, acrylic|
|5/28|Dootson|614|$150.00|$90.00|small watercolor|
|6/1|Hurd|616|$150.00|$90.00|small watercolor|
|6/17|Gordon|622|$135.00|$81.00|small watercolor|
|10/17|Weinberg|640|$150.00|$90.00|small watercolor|
|10/26|Stuart|651|$330.00|$198.00|2 watercolors|
|10/26|Feiwel|654|$1000.00|$600.00|More, acrylics|
Due to artists: $2379.00

Payments made to artist - 
[[two columned table]]
|Date| Amount|
| 5/24 | $600.00 |
| 8/27 | $351.00 |
| 10/30 | $738.00 |
| check enclosed - Dec. 5, 1968| $600.00 |
| Balance due to artist - item still unpaid | $90.00 |

December 5, 1968

Transcription Notes:
Overlap on letters at the bottom of the page. Specifically letters d and c, so I am unsure how to transcribe this.