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This memorial and exhibit commemorating Nadine De Lawrence, who died November 21, 1992, has been made possible by gracious loans of Ms. de Lawrence's work and generous contributions from the Friends of Nadine Lawrence, and in-kind contributions and private businesses.

Friends of Nadine De Lawrence

Chey Backuswalcott
Sana Musasama

Nanette Carter
Grace Stanislaus

Brenda Branch
Ruth Jett

Suzanne B. Stein
Howard Mills
Kathleen Lane
Eric Robertson
Merton Simpson
Sumayyah Sanaha
Maurice Burns
Ralph Change
Rush Fine Arts

Emma Amos
Kinshasha Holman Conwill
Cristina Salusti
Sydney & John Rozelle
Nancy Colon
Robert Negron/PS7
Pat Davis
Grinnell Gallery

Sanctuary Gallery

Paul D. Lawrence
Michael Kenny
Grace Stanislaus
Karen Doherty
Harry Smith
Michi Itami
Michele Godwin
Dino Blanche
Danny Simmons

Aljire A Center for Contemporary 
Art National Conference of Artists

in-kind contributions from the Studio Museum, the Guggenheim Museum-Learning to Read Through the Arts, the Bronx Museum, Public School 7, Colgate -Palmolive Corporation, Kathryn Leary Communications Inc.,Sander Design Work, Don Braden Music Works, June Townes, Vocalist, India DuBois, Editor, Lloyd Backus, The New York Times, Edward Sherman, Video tape, O'Neal Abel, Photographer, George Calderero, Studio Museum

Media: Jared Mc Callister, The Daily News, The Amsterdam News, City Sun, Big Red, The Village Voice

Photographs/video tapes: Emma Amos, Colgate-Palmolive, Star Ledger, Larry Brown, Nyia Eaby, Lisa Jones, Dennis Burroughs

Works on Loan From: I. E. Oliver Bordey, Studio Museum in Harlem, Robert Blackburn/Printmaking Workshop, Rutgers University/The Innovative Printmaking Workshop, Cassandra Harris Lockwood/Sculpture Space, James & Beverly Powers/ Spiral Gallery, Cinque Gallery

Installation, Gallery Decorations, Facilitators, Audio/Visuals: Nouk Bassomb, Lavinia Plonka, Nancy Solomon Miranda, Gail Rothschild, Quentin Walcott, Verna Hart, Linda Hiwot, Michael Kenny, Luanne Dietrich, Suzy Stein, Pat Davis and the many who contributed but could not be listed by the time of this printing.

Special thanks to Athens Printing & Bank of New York