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01/29/2007  11:25  3127423374 CHICAGO PARK DIST.   PAGE 08

Margaret Burroughs

Many-Faceted Artist

An artist, author, teacher, collector, founder, curator, lecturer, civic leader are all terms to be applied to versatile, many faceted Margaret Burroughs, though at one time she preferred to think of herself primarily as an artist. More recently, however, she has been giving expression to her talent as a writer. At one time in her life she considered giving up painting, "But then," she said, "I won a prize for a watercolor, so I can't stop now." There seems to be no stopping point for this determined artist who has been active in Chicago's south side cultural programs for more than twenty-five years. Although she was born in St. Rose, Louisiana, her parents moved to Chicago when she was only four years of age. She attended elementary and high school there and after graduation attended Chicago Teacher's College. Later she attended the Art Institute of Chicago and received both the Bachelor of Art Education and Master of Art Education degrees from that institution. Since then she has done advanced study at Columbia University, New York, and the Institute of Painting and Sculpture, Mexico City, where she studied painting with Pablo O'Higgins. She was also a guest member of the famous graphic Artist Workshop which was conducted by Leopoldo Mendez in Mexico City. In 1972, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Human Letter by Lewis University, Lockport, Illinois.

Dr. Burroughs, who believes that "Art breaks down barriers, racial and social," seems to have an insatiable desire to deepen the artistic appreciation of persons, not only in Chicago, but also wherever she can find an audience. She prefers media which will allow persons who cannot afford originals to buy at modest prices prints in black and white.