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Opening reception, Monday, August 28, 1978 from 5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m.
CATALOGUE-Margaret Burroughs: Images of Dignity
Dimensions are stated in inches with Height preceding width.

1. Riding Together, 16 x 20, Watercolor
2. Balloon Man, Mexico City Market 20 x 16 Watercolor
3. The Beauty of Black, 10 x 14. Woodcut
4. Adrian's Daughter, 15 x 11 1/2, Woodcut
5. Riding Together, 11 x 14, Woodcut
6. Quartet, 10x 13 1/2, Woodcut
*7. Birthday Party, 21 1/2 x 25, Woodcut
*8. The Beauty of Black, 22 x 25, Woodcut

All works courtesy of Clarence White Contemporary Art, Chicago
Courtesy of Burton-Hightower Collection

The Staff of the Lorraine Hansberry Branch Library gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Mr. Clarence White for the loan of the Margaret Burroughs artwork to this our third exhibit in a series of cultural events.

[[image - Woodcut]]
The Beauty of Black, 22 x 25, Woodcut

Margaret Burroughs: Images of Dignity

August 18, 1978--October 6, 1978

The Lorraine Hansberry Branch
The Chicago Public Library
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653