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51. Studies transition to large regional map of Greenbelt area showing general relation of Washington, Baltimore, National Research Center and Greenbelt area.

52. Transition from large map to more detailed animated map of Green-belt proper which will explain in various steps the economic and planning [[text obscured, may be "phases of the"]] project.


53. From the animated map will be camera cut-in to actual construction activities which will be under these general classifications: 
--Engineering and surveying
--Land clearing
--Excavation and stripping
--Actual construction
--Administrative and supervisory activities
cut in from No. 52 to 53 of form map in drafting room of drawing a pencil along board to drawing a survey line along rough terrain and cut to

54. Surveying operations
--several sub-shots

55. Natural cut in from rod-carrying or survey operations to actual clearance of undergrowth and cutting of trees.

56. Stump pulling with tractors
--possibly a shot of tractors lined up in the morning to go out and "attack" the stumps.

57. Road building with scrapers and

58. Bull dozers stripping and

59. Trucks hauling with cut to 

60. Gardening and nursery operations of transplanting

Transcription Notes:
Note: can't read or infer the words that are hidden in the paper fold. Maybe someone with more context can.