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Odd shot of capitol or other familiar landmark of Washington, closeup not recognizeable at first. (fountain)

Sightseers taking snapshots. Show views of official Washington. Mall, public buildings, embassies.

Newspaper clippings - "Major L'Enfant's Plan 90% complete".

Quitting time; workers pouring out of government buildings. Take busses marked "Chevy Chase", Mt. Ranier, Arlington, other well-known suburbs.

Clock showing 4:30 P.M.

Back to entrance, and follow three individuals home. 1) to boarding house, 2) tenement; 3) sordid suburb.

Housing shortgage; "no children wanted"; want adds in newspaper; "Rooms wanted"; cheap renting agencies showing signs in windows giving high prices; "two rooms - $60."

Living and play conditions: Autos lining streets; children in streets and alleys; chalk drawings on streets; Greek Embassy-Greek restaurant, etc.