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We see a parking lot with even rows of repossessed automobiles for sale. Thence we shift to a panoramic view of even rows of suburban housetops. We follow street after street, without parks, without community features, without adequate transportation. A close-up shows us a long treeless street lined with elaborate and flimsy houses, built alike in rows. At one of these, which shows some deterioration, we stop. A letter in the mail box reminds the owner that, according to his payment plan, the mortgage is due. Foreclosure is threatened. A bank "For Sale" sign appears in the window.

[[left margin]] In the suburbs [[left margin]]

3. "Give number of dependents, if any." We see a city school letting out. Children swarm across the sidewalk and street. A ball game begins, which constantly breaks up and resumes as traffic comes through. We follow the children through several streets. In one, a policeman rolls into place a sign: "Caution - Play Street." Children are seen playing the various games of the city, while traffic goes back and forth, disregarding the signs. Farther on we hear a scream of breaks. A crowd gathers. A child

[[left margin]] Our Children [[left margin]]