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We propose to make a film, the subject matter of which will be people - the greater half of our nation. We want to show how they live now, and to show a way of life in planned communities [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] such as the greenbelt towns offer.

To do this we will employ a device of flash-backs into the histories of five typical American workmen who apply for work on a greenbelt project. The cue for each flash-back lies in one of the questions asked on an application blank. That is, "Give name of last employer", "What is your permanent address?" "Give number of dependents, if any". These flash-backs will be chosen first, to show living conditions as they are, second, to serve as a foil for showing the specific advantages of the greenbelt town. We will follow these episodes with a complete exposition, both pictorial and narrative, of the greenbelt town in its stages of planning, construction and completion.

Following this we will make a rapid survey of houses and living conditions in several parts of the country, and put to the audience the question of what is to be done about these remaining hundreds of thousands of people who are in great need of housing.

The film will be able to be completely documentary, relying no-where upon arranged or unreal scenes. For some of the material we will draw upon stock or new shots. For