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[[strikethrough]] have hampered his life, [[/strikethrough]] and have brought him to his place in the line [[strikethrough]] of men applying for relief work. As each applicant finishes writing, the personnel man says, "Report for work on Monday". [[/strikethrough]]

[[upper margin]] These pictures will represent a cross-section of the line of American small income, will seek to show the backgrounds of people or not able [[strikethrough]] relief [[\strikethrough]] but also of those families of slightly better circumstances who will live in the greenbelt towns. [[/upper margin]]

The first man takes the employment sheet, scans the page, and stops at the question:
[[left margin]] numerals in margin lowercase underlined [[/left margin]]
1 - "WHERE WERE YOU BORN?" The applicant looks off into space. We see the pushcart section of New York's east side. People are milling back and forth; washings swing out over an alley; tier after tier of tenement flats are surveyed by the camera.
[[left margin]] SLUMS [[/left margin]]
We see people sleeping on mattresses on the sidewalk on hot nights. We see pool rooms and loafing places. A crowd catches our eye, running. Sirens blow. We follow the crowd to see a blazing old-law tenement. Excitement, confusion and the screaming of ambulance sirens.