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[[left Margin]] Congested areas dangerous to children [[/left Margin]]

[[Strikethrough]] by cheap dwellings [[/strikethrough]] middle class dwellings.  An elevated rattles above. Slum scenes.  Traffic swarms down the street.  Boys are jumping on trucks and autos. Other boys play cards in a doorway. Children are diving and splashing in a river into which city sewage empties. A crowd gathers and we follow it to the spot where a child has been run down in the traffic.

[[left margin]] child labor [[/left margin]]


The applicant slowly makes a circle around the figure 6. We are shown a mill or a mining town with long [[Strikethrough]] monotonous [[/strikethrough]] rows of shanties and rickety frame houses. We see a group of children carrying lunch boxes and paper bags [[strikethrough]] : [[\strikethrough]] - children of school age who are already working in the mills.

[[left margin]] Dispossessed farmer [[/left margin]]

☐5-"WHERE IS YOUR PERMANENT HOME?"  We are shown the fields and gardens of a dirt farm, chicken coops, stock pen, farm implements. There follows a succession of incidents; the c [[strikethrough]] h [[\strikethrough]] rash of 1929, drought and foreclosure, ending in one of the famous "penny sales" of the midwest.