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The men now file past the personnel man more and more rapidly. To each he hands a slip, saying, "Report on the Project Monday; Report on the project Monday." - - to give the impression of many men being hired. 

The next scene is on the project. Trains and autos disgorge scores of [[circle out]] men [[/circle out]] workmen. We here introduce a narrator, who begins: "Five thousand men have been put to work on [[circle out]] the [[/circle out]] this project - masons, carpenters, electricians, town planners, bricklayers, ditch diggers, architects, engineers - "

As he speaks we see the men climb into waiting trucks and go off in different directions to various parts of the project, where construction is going on. We follow these [[left margin strikethrough]] not only describes but [[/left margin strikethrough]] trucks while the narrator describes the work of planning and construction.  We are shown numerous phases of building; excavation, erecting frames of houses, pouring concrete, laying pipe. These come in rapid succession. The narrator continues: "Five million dollars worth of materials are