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this project -- masons, carpenters, electricians, town planners, bricklayers, ditch diggers, architects, engineers - - -."

As he speaks we see the man climb into waiting trucks and go off in different directions to various parts of the project, where construction is going on. We follow these trucks while the narrator describes the work of planning and construction. We are shown numerous phases of building: excavating, erecting frames of houses, pouring concrete, laying pipe. These come in rapid succession. The narrator continues: "Five million dollars worth of materials are being used - - -." Vistas of pipe, cinder block, steel window sash, lumber, picks, mattocks, shovels pass before our eyes.

Narrator: "Thousands more men and women are put to work to produce these materials." A steam whistle blows at the top of a factory. Wheels turn, gates swing open to admit crowds of workers.