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The construction work continues. The project is completed. People move into the houses. We survey the finished Greenbelt town. Against the five particular problems formerly brought up we point those advantages of the Greenbelt town which specifically touch upon the problems. We have seen 5,000 men employed; we see modern homes, intelligently planned play space for children, underpasses which protect them from traffic. We see schools and tennis courts. Mothers with perambulators sit in green parks. We are shown the farm belt which surrounds the Greenbelt town -- which brings the farmer close to a steady market. The Narrator says: "Now the work is completed. A thousand homes for a thousand fortunate families. Their children will have space for play. Their wives will have modern kitchens, airy bedrooms. They have a theatre, movies a library -- a thousand fortunate families - - -."
As the narrator speaks a map appears with a spot locating the Greenbelt town.