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Scenario for an Animated Cartoon  ^[{Draft #2]]
Episode 1--The little farmer and his wife wash the dishes, tuck the children in bed, put the cat in and the dog out, lock the barn, tie down the roof of the chicken house and go to bed.
Episode 2--The little farmer dreams. Crops need rain. Wind blows, dust clouds loom on the horizon looking very much like a large octopus. Little farmer tosses about, wakes up fretting, goes back to sleep again.
Episode 3--The little farmer dreams again. He has replanted his crop and it needs rain just as badly as it did before. He wishes for rain, it comes gently at first then in torrents. It beats the crops to the ground and washes them away. He tosses about, wakes up fretting, goes to sleep again.
Episode 4--The llittle farmer's crop is going at last. The two octopi of rain and drouth threaten and sulk, but the crop comes on up. Then appear graphs of descending prices for farm produce. The lines run crazily over the graph sheets - oviously octopus tentacles - but always going down, maddeningly, just as they take a little step up. Same business of tossing, waking and going back to sleep; stepped up a bit more.
Episode 5--He is now harvesting his crop and it is fall. He faces the prospect of the purchase of manufactured goods. Graph-sheets appear again, with octopus tentacles dancing over them, but always going up.
Episode 6--Now all the familiar items of the scene begin gradually to sprout octopus tentacles - chairs' legs, trees, his own children and even his own fingers and toes. He wakes up with loud shrieks.
Episode 7--Little farmer goes out to look at his farm. The sun is rising. Presently, upon a distant neighboring house, another farmer is doing the same thing. Still another and another,'til the screen is full of them. The little farmer wrings his hands. So do all the others.
Episode 8--The distant city appears on the horizon. It is waking up. It becomes tho octopus, the chimneys, the church-spires, the sky-scrapers, become tentacles of the octopus who stretches himself. Dismay among the farmers. They run about like ants. Presently, when two or more come together in different places. More and more come together until, finally, when the octopus is fully stretched and awake, the composite farmers make one huge figure, about equal to the octopus in size.
Episode 9--The composite farmer and the octopus both start throwing up breastworks for a pitched battle - the one of manufactored goods, the other of farm produce. There is a tremendous shindy. The octopus is getting the better of it- he has more arms. Presently the composite develops a myriad arms. Each one throws a lasso ^[[with hitch for ax, etc]] the octopus is brought to the ground.
Episode 10--The little farmer has harnessed the octopus in the farm of a large tractor with ploughs, threshing machine, automobile trucks which swarm busily over the whole landscape. The sun shines in one corner, the rain rain decorously in another corner and the wind billows over the fields of ripening grains.