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Conv. file


I dislike to dwell too much on trying to get all the services we can without charge; however, our treasury is extremely low and we are not able to authorize any expense that is not absolutely necessary.

I shall appreciate very much your assistance in the above and in any other convention matters. Will you let me know by return mail if you are agreeable to accepting this responsibility?

I am sending copies of this letter to Mr. Savage, Mr. Leirfallon, Mr. Bennett, and Mr. Hiram N. Clark, and Mr. John Rainer. Mr. Rainer is at the Intermountain Indian School, Brigham City, Utah, this month. Will you send copies of your reply and other correspondence to them and to the NCAI office at 202 Dupont Circle Building, 1346 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington 6, D. C.

Sincerely yours,


Copies to:
Judge N.B. Johnson, Box 3101 STATE CAPITOL, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Lyzeme Savage, Cass Lake, Minn.
Jarle Leirfallon, Chairman, Governors' Interstate Indian Council, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minn.
Robert L. Bennett, 602 - 12th St., N.E., Aberdeen, South Dakota
John C. Rainer, Intermountain Indian School, Brigham City, Utah
Supt. Hiram M. Clark, Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates, North Dak.
