Viewing page 19 of 157

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Payden Henry. 1.-25-32-38-69-205-209-213-218
Proctor David 1.-3-
Price Sylvester. 4.-12-
Pope Lewis. 13-14-
Proctor George. 24-
Price Northless. 24-
Pedague Shadrack, 33,39-48-
Peter Simon, 46-56-138-142-
Powers Samuel. 57-61-75-
Pelham Henry. 69-217-236-346.
Payden Alexander. 69-115-
Parker Boston, 94-97-129-138-139-146-
Pepper George W. 95-98-101-105-
Pope Nathan, 134-
Pierson James. 147-
Pruden Dorsey. 155-252.
Pickenrig Mary E. 163-164-
Pritchet Benj 178.
Perkins Wallace. 178.
Puckett G. 191-197-201-207.
Pahyson Valentine. 198.
Purnton Aaron. 219.
Paterick George.
Pendle Daniel. 254.
Perry Luke. 254.
Powell James. 261.