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Wright Julius 5- White Lawson 6- Ward Joseph 10-13-29- Wenly Charles 11-20-30-33 White Jacob 12-13-14- Wiggins P.H. 21-27-29- Whitty Richard 24- Wallace Benj. 26-29- Whitney Augustus 27-31-34-38- Willet James 32-76-95-98-101-103-146-204 Williams Henry 44-48- Washington Nubia 46- Williams William 46-56-68- Wilson Alex H. 46-55-82-94-99-104- Wright Rollin 41-86-92-102- White William 46-100-117-168- Ward John 47-56-75-125- Weeks Thomas 57-61-68- Walker Prince 57- Williams Silas 86-115 Warren John 95-98-101-103-137-140-144- Wells James 95-98-101-103- White Watson 95-98-101-103- Waldridge Thomas 99-125- Whittelsey Col Henry M. 122- Washington George 123- Wilson Jone 123- Wilson Alex H. 124-127-128- White Payton 145-157-162-164- Welleford Geo. 145-165 Winbourn Thos. 145. Woods James 151-160-162-175- Watford Alexander 167-250 Warren Thomas 178 Walker Isaac 185, 189 Watts Paul 198 Willett James 209,218-220- Wilson Isaac 213,227,255. Whitefield Joseph 233, 247, 250 Whitehead Moses 233 241 Whitney Henry 233 Williams Alvin S. 253
Transcription Notes:
11-24-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review