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3 Office Asst Supt. Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 15th 1867. Dewey. Colonel J.O. Paymaster U.S.A. Colonel, I have the honor to enclose herewith (Receipted) Treasury Certificate No 315.328. for $282.60 in favor of Matthew Ellison late a Sergt. Co "H." 35th Regt. U.S.C. Troops. Please return your Check for the amount at your erliest convenience Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant. A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge. Office Asst Supt. Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 15th 1867. Balloch Bvt. Brig Gen G.W. Chief Disb Officer B.R.F. & A.L. General, I have the honor to enclose herewith the Receipted Bounty Vouchers of the following named men. David Proctor late 1st Sergt Co "F." 2nd U.S.C. Cav. $316.06. Thomas Morris late 1st Pvt Co "G." 2nd U.S.C. Cav. 289.00 Wm Rodman late 1st Sergt Co "D." 2nd U.S.C. Cav. 192.40 These claims were paid by me this day. Very Respectfully| Your Obedient Servant. A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge. Office Asst Supt. Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 15th 1867. Brown Esq Charles C. Norfolk Va Sir I have the honor to request information concerning the Claim for Arrears of Pay and Bounty of Sylvester Price late of Co H. 36th Regt U.S.C. Infantry. Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant. A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge. Office Asst Supt. Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 16th 1867. Moore Lieut Col. Stephen. Sub Asst. Comr. B.R.F. and A.L. Colonel I have the honor to transmit herewith a Report of Persons and Articles hired by me during the month of June 1867. Very Respectfully. Your Obedient Servant. A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge.
Transcription Notes:
removed table markings; rearranged in letter format