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Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. July 16th 1867.

Wright Esq. Julius H.
Atty and Counselor at Law.

Dear Sir
In reply to yours of the 25th ult I have the honor to inform you that I cannot in a letter inform you or explain the whole routine of the Claim business and as my instructions are contained in so many Circulars and Letters, I cannot furnish you with copies of them. I however enclose herewith two (2) blank forms, being the forms used for Claims made by the Soldiers themselves. (Where the heirs of decd Soldiers apply, different forms are used.) The blanks will explain themselves. The seal and Signature of the Justice of the Peace must be verified by that of a Clerk of a Court of Record. By a recent act of Congress all monies due Colored Soldiers or their heirs, from the U.S. is made payable through the Freedmans Bureau (Attorney and notorial fees are however deducted and forwarded direct to the person preparing the claim) These Claims can be prosecuted free of charge by any Officer of the Bureau. 
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant.
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.
in charge  

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. July 17th 1867.

Balloch Bvt Brig Gen G.W. 
Chief Disb Officer B.R.F. and A.L.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th inst enclosing the following checks for Retained State Bounty.
Check No 1047 for $33.33. payable to Isaac Reddick.
Check No. 1048 for 108.33 payable to Bragg Avery
Check No. 1049. for 100.00 payable to Lawson White.

I will forward the checks to Wm H. Doherty Bureau Agent. at Elizabeth City for payment to Claimant
Very Respectfully.
Your Obedient Servant.
A. Coats 
1st Lieut. VRC. in charge.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. July 17th 1867.

Doherty Esq. Wm H.
Agent B.R.F. and A L 

I have the honor to enclose herewith Checks for Retained State Bounty as follows.
Check No 1047. for $33.33 payable to Isaac Reddick
Check No 1048 for 108.33 payable to Bragg Avery.
Check No 1049. for 100.00 payable to Lawson White.
In payment of Vouchers forwarded by you. Please acknowledge receipt of the same at your convenience. 
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant.
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge