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"15" Office Asst Supt Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 24th 1867. Balloch Bvt. Brig. Gen. G.W. Chief Disb'g Officer B.R.F and A L. General. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd inst enclosing your check No 466 on the Asst Treasurer of the U.S. at N.Y. for $479.80. (Four Hundred and seventy nine dollars and eighty cents to pay the following Bounty claims Essex Green late of Co "F." 2nd Regt. U.S.C. Cavalry $289.00. Thomas Bryant late of Co "A" 2nd Regt. U.S.C. Cavalry 190.80. $479.80 Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant, A. Coats 1st Lieut V R.C. in charge Office Asst Supt Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 25th 1867 Balloch Bvt Brig Gen. G. W. Chief Disb Officer B.R.F. and A.L. General, I have the honor to enclose the receipted voucher for Arrears of Pay and U. S. Bounty of, Spencer Alexander, late of Co A. 37th Regt U.S.C.T. $89.00. The same having been paid by me on this day Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge Office Asst Supt Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 25th 1867 Johnston Bvt Lieut Col. Thos. P. Chief Q.M. B.R.F. and A.L. Colonel. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 23rd inst enclosing your check No 567 on the Raleigh National Bank endorsed to my order for one hundred and nine dollars and sixteen cents ($109.16) in payment of the following named vouchers. A.T. Jenkins Office rent, June 1867. $10.00 E.H. Carter Salary as clerk. June 1867. 99.16 $109.16 Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge. Office Asst Supt Claim Division New Berne N.C. July 25th 1867 Balloch Bvt Brig Gen. G. W. Chief Disb'g Officer B.R.F. & A.L. General. I have the honor to enclose the following Treasury Certificates for U.S. Bounty payable to the order of Gen. O.O. Howard. Please return your checks for the amount at your convenience. Certificate Nos 315,347. for $239.00 in favor of Robert Saunders. Certificate Nos 315,328. for $282.60 in favor of Matthew Ellison. I made a mistake & sent Ellisons certificate to Paymaster Dewey at Raleigh but bring payable to Gen Howard or order he could not cash it Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant A. Coats 1st Lieut V.R.C. in charge
Transcription Notes:
removed [[left margin]]; use letter form