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Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne, N.C. Jan 1st 1868

Chur Lieut Col. J.F.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 2nd inst enclosing the Discharge paper of Albert Cronell late Corpl Co "E" 11th Regt. U.S. Colored Arty.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst Supt.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne, N.C. Jan 6th 1868

Balloch Bvt. Brig Gen G.W.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the vouchers for arrears of Pay and Bounty of Daniel Cooper late of Co "K" 36th Regt U.S.C.T. He is charged on the Voucher with $25.93 advances and he states that he has never received one cent advanced money from T.F. Lee, the agent at Raleigh N.C. who forwarded his claim.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A Coats
1st Lieu V.R.C. 
Asst Supt.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne, N.C. Jan 6th 1868

Balloch Bvt. Brig Gen G.W.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the Receipted Vouchers for arrears of Pay and Bounty of the following named men.
Boston Parker late of Co. A 2nd U.S.C. Cav $289.00   
Henry Garris late of Co. K 2nd U.S.C. Cav $289.00
Bingo Young late of Co. "I" 2nd U.S.C. Cav $289.00
Allen Odin late of Co. H. 36th U.S.C.T. $222.40
Joseph Hanton late of Co "D" 36th U.S.C.T. $189.75
Hardy Roundtree late of Co "D" 36th U.S.C.T. $189.75
Very Respectfully. 
Your Obedient Servant
A Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst Supt.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne, N.C. Jan 6th 1868.

Balloch Bvt Brig Gen G.W.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 3rd inst enclosing your check No 8 on Asst Treas of U.S. at N.Y. for Three hundred and twenty one dollars ($321.00) to pay bounty due the following named men.
John Warren late of Co I, 4th U.S.C.T. $89.00
John Brown late of Co "E" 35th U.S.C.T. $232.00
Very Respectfully. 
Your Obedient Servant
A Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst Supt.

Transcription Notes:
Hard to decipher dates on page 139.