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Office Asst. Supt. Claim Division
New Berne N.C. Feby 29th 1868

Lieut Col. J.F.

I have the honor to transmit herewith monthly return of Stores pertaining to B.R.F. & A.L. for the month of February 1868 one with abstract and vouchers and one without them.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. Asst Supt.

Office Asst. Supt. Claim Division
New Berne N.C. Feby 29th 1868

Lieut Col. J.F.

I have the honor to transmit herewith Report of Persons and Articles employed and hired in Office of Asst. Supt. Claim Division New Berne N.C. during the month of February 1868, and the following Vouchers for the approval of the Asst. Comr and transmittal of the same to Lieut Col Thos. P. Johnston C.Q.M. and D.O. of N.C. for payment.

1st Lt A. Coats V.R.C. Postage for Feby 1868 $4.75
E.H. Carter Salary as clerk for Feby 1868 99.16
A.I. Jerkins Rent of room for Feby 1868 10.00

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. 
Asst Supt.


Office Asst. Supt. Claim Div
New Berne N.C. March 1st/68

Lieut Col. J.F.

I have the honor to transmit herewith monthly report of the Operations of the Claim Division for the month of February 1868.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C. 
Asst Supt

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. March 1st 1868

Bvt. Brig. Gen G.W.

I have the honor to transmit herewith Monthly Statement of Vouchers for Bounty Claims remaining on hand and unpaid in Office of Asst Supt Claim Division B.R.F.& A.L. at New Berne N.C. for the month of February 1868.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
A. Coats
1st Lieut V.R.C.
Asst Supt