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Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. April 4th 1868

Bvt Maj Gen A.P.
In chge Claim Div

In reply to yours of the 1st inst, I have the honor to enclose herewith the 2nd Auditors letter of transmittal in the case of George Marshall alias G. Puckett late Sergt Co A 37th U.S.C.T. and State that there are no attorneys fees

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
1st Lieut V.R.C. A Sub-Asst Comr.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. April 4 - 68

Bvt. Brig. Gen G.W.

I have the honor to report that the following named men have applied at this office for the payment of the claims for arrears of Pay and Bounty.

Dorset Carter late of Co A. 36th Regt U.S.C.T.
Martin Mattox father of Ellis Mattox late of Co J 37th Regt U.S.C.T.

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
1st Lieut V.R.C. 
A Sub-Asst Comr.


Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. April 4th 68

Bvt. Brig. Gen G.W.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the Receipted vouchers for arrears of Pay and Bounty of the following named men.

Valentine Phayson Co C 14th Res C. Arty $288.25
Hardy Kinyear Co D 14th Res C. Arty $200.00
Audy Brookhouse Co B 2nd Res Cav 304.20

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
1st Lieut V.R.C. 
A Sub-Asst Comr.

Office Asst Supt Claim Division
New Berne N.C. April 6th 1868

Lt Col J.F.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 3rd inst enclosing the discharge papers of the following named men.

Adolphus Redding Principal Musician 36th Regt U.S.C.T.
Paul Watts Pvt Co H 36th Regt U.S.C.T.
Eli Mariner Pvt Co H 36th Regt U.S.C.T.

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
1st Lieut V.R.C. 
A Sub-Asst Comr.