Viewing page 20 of 151

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Sumner Pleasant.
Smith Thomas. 7. 205. 211.
Smith Nelson. 9.
Simmons George. 11. 45.
Sweet Lt Owen Day. 11. 79. 87. 104.
Satterthwaite Brittes 27. 85. 217.
Simmons Furney. 73.
Sheppard John. 53. 59.
Seymour Aug S. 55. 57.
Stancil York. 65. 163.
Strinkfield Dick. 69. 71.
Sanborn & King. 89. 101.
Smith Daniel. 91.
Sanders Caleb. 117. 147.
Sawyer Hannibal. 121.
Spruel March. 121. 141.
Scott Nathan. 125.
Spencer Hosea. 129. 135.
Scott Simeon. 129.
Smith - Silas. 129. 141.
Sanders John. 129.
Shathithite Joseph. 129.
Smith Henry. 139.
Smith - John H. 147.
Sears Edward. 147.
Strinkfield Dick. 157.
Spruell Henry. 161. 165.
Sanders Josiah. 175.
Sloan Hester. 175.
Spencer Lafayette. 181.
Spencer Solomon. 189. 195. 213.
Saunders Peter. 193.

Spellman Damon. 199.
Smith James H. 215.

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