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actually accrued to him, up to the time of his discharge: one third or two thirds thereof.  This bounty is payable in installments as follows:  the first instalment to be paid the soldier on muster in; the 2nd instalment at the expiration of one half his term of enlistment; and the 3rd instalment, (provided the man has served the entire time for which he was enlisted) on final payment after discharge.

2nd.  The briefing on the Declaration, "Forwarded by," etc. should be filled by you before sending to this office.

3rd.  In forwarding claims to this office, the letter of transmittal should contain the name, rank company and Regt. etc. of the claimant.

Enclosed please find extracts from Paymasters manual, which will aid you in determining, in a majority of the cases presented to you what men are entitled to bounty. 

The kind of bounty claimed should be distinctly started, as also the amount, if any, already accrued.  The kind of bounty claimed can be determined by comparing the date of the discharge, with the dates contained in enclosed instructions, the amount already received by the man must be learned from him. 

Very Respectfully
Your obt Servant,
Wm. Fowler
A.A. Gen'l