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NAA 567
War Department,             
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Washington, June 21st 1866. 

Lieut A. Coats
18th V.R.C. New Berne  N.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the reception of your letter of June 15 transmitting corrected list E & F of persons claiming Bounties.  I will have them made out as soon as possible.  In regard to the check payable to David Johnson, if you cannot get the money on it as it is, return it to me and I will fill out one with the present name of his widow.  Have her sign the voucher as widow of David Johnson.  Get the others signed and return as soon as you can as my April accounts are still delayed on account of not having them.

I am very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Geo. W. Balloch
Bvt. Col & Chf Disb officer

Transcription Notes:
Don't indent.