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Articles of agreement made this sixth day of April 1864 between the Confederate States of America by their duly authorized commissioner Major Miner Meryweather and the Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Company  When as the said Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Co. to wit on the 15th day of February in the year 1864 did by a Resolution of its Board of Directors offer to the Confederate States the use during the present war of the Road Bed hitherto constructed for a Rail way between Lawton Station No 12 on the line of the Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road and the boundary line between the States of Georgia and Florida said Rail Road being part of an intended Rail way commonly called the Florida Branch Rail Road, and the Confederate States of America having by their said Commissioner, accepted the offer as aforesaid of the Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Company, and the Confederate States of America being about to complete the said Florida Branch Rail Road by laying a Rail Road track upon the [[strikethrough]] Rail [[/strikethrough]] Road Bed thereof and to use and operate said Florida Branch as a Rail Road.  Now this agreement Witnesseth, that at the conclusion of the present War the Confederate States of America will release and return to the said Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Company the said Road Bed with all Bridges, cowpits and all other appurtenances of said Road Bed hitherto constructed by said Company and the Confederate States will also release

Transcription Notes:
Miner Meryweather [sic: Minor Meriweather]