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and return without lot or hinderance to said Rail Road Company, all and every the rights franchises. claims and interests of whatever Kind which have and do more belong to and Vest in the said Rail Road Company in and to the Florida Branch Rail Road it being understood that the said Rail Road Company shall have no title or claim to the superstructure to be laid thereupon by the Confederate States or to any appurtenance thereto which the Confederate States may construct, but the Confederate States may remove the same at the conclusion of the war first allowing said Rail Road Company to purchase the said superstructure and any appurtenance thereof as aforesaid before their removal upon fair and equitable terms: It being understood never the lip that whereas, the Confederate States of America [[strikethrough]] date [[strikethrough]] aid to wit, use or about the 19th day of August in the year 1862, Siege and take for its own use Six Hundred and thirty six (636) Tons of iron Rail the property of said Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Company which were intended to be laid in the track of the said Florida Branch Rail Road for which the said Rail Road Company has not received any value, more therefore in any bargain which may be made by the said Rail Road Company for the purchase of the superstructure and the appurtenances thereof laid or constructed by the Confederate States as aforesaid the said Rail Road Company shall be credited with the value of the said