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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Augusta, Ga. December 26 1865

While at Savannah I learned that the work on the Guyton Hospital was proceeding rather slowly. It was difficult to procure mechanics, and they were charging five dollars per day. It occurred to me that probably quite a number of good mechanics could be found in the 12th Maine Vols. on duty there. On mentioning the subject to Col. Sickles, he informed me that he had inquired, but that none of the soldiers were willing to admit that they were mechanics, or to go to work on the hospital, as under existing orders, they could not receive extra pay for their labor.

I directed him to go among them and offer fifty cents a day to any mechanic who would volunteer to go to work. He easily obtained some twenty or twenty-five good mechanics, and I at once made application to have them detailed. I am aware that this is somewhat irregular, but as the Government will save at least a hundred dollars a day by the operation, and the Bureau will obtain the use of the Hospital much