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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Augusta, Ga. January 3rd 1866

I have just returned from Albany, where I went personally to inspect the property which I was authorized to sell, by your endorsement of November 30th 1865, to Nelson Tift for four thousand dollars. I found the property more valuable than had been represented by officers upon whose opinion I had based my recommendation to sell it for the sum mentioned. The buildings stand upon the land of Mr. Nelson Tift who has been pardoned by the President, and his property restored to him. The buildings, machinery, &c, could not be erected for less than ($10,000.00) ten thousand dollars, but the machinery which was second-hand when put up, is badly worn, broken and covered with rust. It will cost from ($2000.00) two thousand dollars to ($3000.00) three thousand dollars to put it in operation. The roof of the main building, which was only temporary, leaks badly and must be replaced, and when all this has been done, there is no demand whatever in that part of the country for the products of such machinery which was solely erected with reference to supplying the wants of the so-called Confederate States.