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Extract from a letter from Dr. J.I. Robinson one of the most prominent citizens of Washington

The Freedmen in our town and country were never more orderly than they have been during the last week, altho there was a large number in town every day, yet I did not see a single intoxicated Freedman, during the week, they were orderly and respectful, and a general disposition to make contracts for the coming year. I had no difficulty in employing as many as I wish, and had applications from at least a hundred men, our planters seem greatly encouraged at the disposition manifested by them during the last few [[strikethrough]] months [[/strikethrough]] weeks; I think most of them will make contracts and fulfill them I have every confidence in those I have contracted with. A wonderful change has come over them since your visit to this place, and under your just and judicious management the same may be said in all parts of our state, so far as I have heard from, and your services in this department entitle you to the thanks and gratitude of both black & white. We have put a stop to those "Jayhawkers" who [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] were cruelly treating the freedmen in the country, they have all absconded and I hope never to return.