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5 from this office, which so far as I can hear is very generally observed throughout the State by well disposed men. Of course mean men are dissatisfied that anybody should prevent their getting the negroe's labor for little or nothing. This talk will do no harm. I know exactly how far to go in this direction and what the parties opinion of the state will sustain. So long as the good men will support my action. I can compell the others to observe the requirement of the Bureau.
A few days since I had a Mr Nicholas Wyley of Washington Wilkes Co tried before a Mility [[Military]] Commission, in session at this place, and fined $250 for whipping a Negro woman. The money was paid over to this Bureau. The husband of the Negro woman [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] acting under my advise will bring a suit against Mr Wyley for damage 

My Qr Master has in his hands over $3000. collected for fines imposed for cruelty practiced upon the freedpeople